As people seemed to enjoy the last one, here’s part 2 of the Sacred Cauldron Campaign, “Fair is Foul & Foul is Fair,” which details two short side-adventures. These are designed as interstitial adventures between two larger dungeon crawls, but would be easily removed from the larger campaign structure and used as self-contained adventures.

It’s possible that these may eventually get further tidied up, edited, re-organized, and released as zines or something similar down the line.
If you enjoy these and haven’t already be sure to check out Genial Jack Volumes 1 and 2, a city gazetteer and adventure module of nautical whimsy and terror set upon and within the eponymous Godwhale.
Just discovered this and before I go on any further, I have to stop and say, this is some of the most impressive content I’ve seen. It’s evocative without being overly complex, it’s consistent internally and in its tone—I’m really blown away. Cannot wait for more of what I’m convinced is the best take on Faerie I’ve seen in 5e. Thank you for posting !
Thank you so much! I’m glad the tone lands, it’s probably the most important part to me.