Monsters, Horror, Gaming

Map of the Quill Coast

My players are going to be embarking on a journey back to Hex from the far north (long story as to how they got there), so I decided it was finally time to draw a proper map of the region. It’s pretty huge, so as with the city maps, I’ve added some smaller images of particular areas of interest, and the larger file can be downloaded from the link below:


Genial Jack is now available from Exalted Funeral




  1. Geeez, you went unsurprisngly all the way with this one, too.
    I’m loving it!

  2. K Yani

    This is insane amount of work and details.

    • K Yani

      To clarify, I mean it in the most positive sense, as ‘The amount of effort, creativity and dedication is mind-boggling’

      • Bearded-Devil

        Thanks for saying so! I found this one a lot easier to put together than the cities – joining bits of geography was a lot less fiddly than blocks of buildings and canals.

        I’m hoping to eventually do some more regional maps, particularly one for the Gilded Sea to the south of the Quill Coast – akin to this world’s Mediterranean Sea, with the cities of New Ulthar (ruled by former cat familiars who overthrew their sorcerous pharoah-masters), Teratopolis (a city of monsters), Ganglion (of the imperialist psychic jellyfolk), Idolum (hidden city of doppelgangers), Roost (a city of towers which are actually phoenix-roosts) and Verdigris (a city built of ancient scrap), plus a ton more crazy islands like the nightamrishly bureaucratic Triplicate Isles, the Slow Isles where time runs differently, and other crazy stuff like the elemental Fireglades and the vaguely wild-westy Frontiers of Entropy in the distant south. It may be impractical to print or even to load the image, but it would be cool to join the maps up eventually into a truly gigantic map. Might end up doing a kind of Turgot thing where the map comes in sectional blocks.

        • K Yani

          I think there is a way to print exceptionally big maps, although it is still probably more like billboard thing, when they print them in smaller sections than glue them together on a board.

          This sounds interesting. I hope to be able to see all these places.

  3. Anonymous

    I noticed some new places not mentioned in the “Hex Rivals” post here! Sabbath looks like some kind of city of witches I assume? Also what’s up with Pellucid?

    • Bearded-Devil

      Well intuited on Sabbath! It’s an ally of Hex, founded by witches who fled from Erubescence after the Night Queen expelled all non-undead spellcasters from the Red Realm and began confiscating sorcerous children showing signs of magical talent from their parents for “adoption” into the vampiric court. Although never as academic and institutionalized as the wizardly academies of Hex, the Red Realm used to have a flourishing folk-tradition of magic, but the Sanguine Lords and Ladies became concerned that the witches might lead an insurrection against them. Sabbath became a refuge for the persecuted witches, and has now become a flourishing city state in its own right that defends itself from Erubescence with weather magic to wreck any fleets that come too near the shores of Greymalkin Isle. This makes it highly isolationist, but it has often found common cause with Hex due to their frequent mutual antagonisms with Erubescence. It’s somewhat matriarchal (most powerful witches are female), but in contrast with Erubescence it’s deeply anti-hierarchical and communitarian. Like Hex it has close ties with the Commonwealth of Hell in Pandemonium, while the Red Realm backs the monarchist insurrection in Dis seeking to restore the ancient Demon Princes to their thrones.

      The Witchrealm is at first glance a much more pleasant place to live than Erubescence or even Hex, but the witches are insular and xenophobic, with a particular hatred for undead. They consider humanoids born without magical ability to be pitiable, and wizardly magic unnatural and somewhat ill-advised, entrusting magic with those who nature clearly did not “intend” to possess it. Its one major beef with Hex is Hex’s treatment of familiars, homunculi, and conjured creatures, who are considered chattel in Hex. Consequently, some conjured beings seeking their freedom make a break for Sabbath from Hex. This has occasionally led to diplomatic snafus and tensions, but the two powers recognize that they need one another to help check the power of the vampires.

      Pellucid is an extremely mysterious city constructed be aliens from the Luminiferous Aether (i.e. space), generally called Aetherians, claimed by some to be ancient enemies of the Librarians of Hex. Why they created a colony on this planet is not fully known. The city has its own micro-climate produced by the machines of Pellucid, and appears to be a lush paradise despite its remote location in the frozen wilderness of the Weeping Plain. Almost no terrestrial beings have ever entered the city and left, and the Aetherians don’t seem interested in expansion or trade. Every few centuries, however, the city sends out an army of incredibly powerful automata that terrorize the lands to the south, abducting hundreds of people before returning to Pellucid. There are also rumours and legends that the Aetherians are experimenting on the planet, and they are often blamed for plagues, earthquakes, and other disasters, with witnesses claiming they saw Pellucid automata in the vicinity of such catastrophes. Every attempt to destroy the city or even treat with its inhabitants has failed, often specutacularly.

      • Kozmo

        Y’know you missed a golden opportunity to call the space people ‘Celestials’ and tie an Eastern theme into your world setting. Could even give it a Japanese spin since Japan had that isolationist period in its own history. That’s assuming you haven’t already come up with an ‘Eastern Realm’, which I believe you have somewhere we just haven’t seen yet.

        • Bearded-Devil

          There are Eastern powers which my players have encountered occasionally but I haven’t posted about here – the Porcelain Kingdoms are one (sort of China), and the Jiangshi of Erubescence are vampiric refugees from the “Distant Occident,” with an East Asian architectural style.

  4. Alistair

    Amazing maps. Love it. Love them. Always inspiring.

  5. Caz

    Is a large format image file of this available on DriveThruRPG? I would love to purchase some files of your maps that I could take to a print shop and have made as wall decoration. These are beautiful.

    • Bearded-Devil

      Thanks! They’re not currently available, but I’ll definitely post if that happens. I do have a smaller book available through drivethrurpg, Genial Jack: Volume 1 (see top right of the blog for a link) and plan to publish a lot more of this setting, and I think high-res map files will likely be a part of that for sure.

  6. Awe-inspiring. I can just keep on looking at it and discover new things constantly.

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