Monsters, Horror, Gaming

Adventurers of Elfhame

My players completed a Session 0 for our Elfhame campaign last weekend. Here’s the party as they currently stand:

A Fair Folk sorcerer and former competitive eater, cursed by an Unseelie magician so that he neither eat nor drink. An emaciated husk of his former self, he vomits spells form his bewitched innards, wandering the land to seek a reversal of his affliction.
A shade bard, wandered south from the eternal winter of Annwn out of bordeom – she’s been dead for many decades and grew tired of the endless dark and underground tunnels of Arawn’s chill realm. The oft-reluctant chronicler of Petalu Morriden’s many deeds.
A pixie wild-magic sorcerer, born into servitude because his parents needed to pay a debt and offered their firstborn as payment – he lived the first 100 years of life doing menial tasks for a treefolk moss-gatherer named Sprill. Recently, Sprill was murdered by a crazed beaver, so Fennrix is now having his first taste of freedom.
A fungoid barbarian raised by owlbears in the depths of Elfhame’s forest. He searches for his mother, Mama Owlbear, who narrowly escaped from poachers.
A woodwose druid and frequent traveling companion of Sparks, and occasionally Fun Guy.
A paladin of the Fair Folk, known as the Knight of Harts, struck out on her own away from her elfin family. She has sworn oaths to Beauty, upholding the aesthetic standards of the realm. Her deeds are calculated to be as exquisite and spectacular as possible.
A little pixie sorcerer from the Big Cobweb, Gossamer, the fey metropolis. “HEY! I’M FLYIN’ HERE!”
A treefolk bard, Susurrus has recently insinuated themself into the court of King Oberon and hails from the western reaches Mag Mell.
A goblin fighter, keen of wit and blade. He escaped a life of servitude in the halls of the Fair Folk and now makes a living by the sharpness of his sword – and his tongue.
A stealthy Firbolg rogue, recently escaped from the oppressive rules and strictures of his family home in Mag Mell.




Elfame Session 1 – Actual Play – Quest for the Sacred Cauldron


  1. Jesse

    I just discovered this blog but I already love it. I’m curious about the races you are using. Are they homebrew? From various sources?

    • Bearded-Devil

      Oh thanks! All homebrew, though gnomes, elves, firbolg, and goblins are riffs on the 5e standard versions. You can check out the ones for the Elfhame game in the free file linked in this post. Those for Genial Jack – octopoids, karkinoi, selachians, ratfolk, sirens, etc – can be found in Genial Jack: Volume 1.

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